Wednesday, January 31, 2007

How to Use Social Bookmarking Sites to Generate Traffic

What's a social bookmarking site?

It's an online community of Web users who store and share their bookmarks. Instead of (or in addition to) bookmarking pages in their own browsers, (e.g., articles, blog entries, etc. they find interesting), they "TAG" these pages and create entries in the social bookmarking site.

Because the social bookmarking sites are Web-based, the tags or bookmarks are available for them from any computer online—sort of like your Web-based email account is available to you from work, home, when you travel, etc.

In addition, users CATEGORIZE their bookmarks so others can browse or find ones that interest them. Many of these sites also allow users to "discuss" tagged articles by posting COMMENTS about them. Then the most popular tags appear higher in the categories.

What does this mean to you and your Website traffic?

If you join some social bookmarking sites, you can tag your Web pages, press releases, blog entries and VIDEOS to generate more traffic to them.

In fact, we've just added a feature to Traffic Geyser that tags your video title, description, thumbnail image and target Web using your social bookmarking accounts so you get additional traffic to your target Web page. It's built right in to Traffic Geyser.

What are some social bookmarking sites you should join and start using if you haven't already done so? Here are a few to get you started:

Once you sign up, you can also get toolbar buttons or links for your browser so all you have to do when you find a page you want to tag is select the button or link and it opens up a short form for you to complete and save.

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